What are Continual Improvement Services?

Feel that your business could be doing better … should be doing better? Despite what you may think, you’re not alone. However finding a pathway out of the daily morass can be tough. Continual improvement is a process out of that bog. It is where I can help you.


Cost Saving

Don’t spend dollars on things that you don’t need. More often than not, the glitter of the next shiny thing grabs our attention and promises us it will be the silver bullet to fix our problems, and inevitably it fails us. Save your dollars, study your systems and many constraints can be overcome.
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Productivity Improvement

In organisations the inefficiencies we build into our systems, cost us time, money with upset customers, and frustrated employees. In some cases, we are doing no better than if a direct competitor had designed our system and we were forced to follow it. By debugging our systems we can improve flow, and get better results.
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The process of leadership is about customer engagement, understanding their needs, and then creating the simplest structure to achieve it. Supporting your employees to meet customer needs is your priority. Administrative work is secondary.
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Troubleshooting & Problem Solving

It is not uncommon for us to spend 30% of our time repairing, redoing, re-confirming, maintaining ordinary systems, and flexing our problem-solving muscles gives a distinct competitive advantage. As opposed to looking for problems to retrofit the bunch of solutions we have at our disposal.
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Change Management

Interrogate and design systems to meet customer needs, improve flow and consequently employee’s motivation.
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Process Improvement

Lets keep processes, simple, clear and effective, and dynamic, always seeking to improve them.
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Richard Hamilton: Who I Am

With a unique combination of process thinking skills, combined with creative coaching capabilities, I’ll help you improve your results. With a proven track record in Manufacturing and service based organisations.

I have more than 30 years in hands on experience with all facets of continuous improvement. I love seeing businesses and individuals improve their productivity and grow.

As an Operations person, I can do many of the things you are trying to achieve, and with coaching there is the opportunity for you or your people to learn how to do these things effectively too. Using both hard and soft tools, I will be with you, one on one, and with your teams to identify and break through current limits, patterns, behaviours, plans, and actions stopping you from reaching your potential results. When individuals get their ‘break through’, so too does the business, and the people they work with.

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Some of the improvements we have seen;
reduction in lead times.
improvement in plant output.
reduction in work in progress.
reduction in daily meetings.
reduction in process steps.

Why I Am Different


Hands On

The best place to fix something is at it’s source. So much of the work is conducted hands-on, with the people doing the work, in the trenches. Front line employees know what the issues are, as they confront them daily.



Often creative processes, brainstorming and asking ‘what-if?’ can result in excellent outcomes which would be missed in standard linear, sequential improvement approach. While there are many tools that can be used, knowing which to use when and where is also important, and that comes with many years of experience.


Targeted Opportunities

Working with the biggest pain points, cost-drivers, time-consumers, tension points within the business. All can yield excellent results with cross-functional team involvement. It’s great to experience that ‘aha’ moment when people get their break-through.


Guided Through The Process

When we work together, you will not be left floundering. We will work to a plan, based on our agreed scope, and although there are normally points of confusion, as we progress through the discovery process to arrive at a desirable outcome, its usually an adventure.

Free First Consultation

“Most of us spend too much time on what is urgent and not enough time on what is important.” - Stephen R. Covey

To make the first step to improvement easier for you, I offer a free and obligation free initial consultation. We can discuss at length, your business, and my skills and experience. And what a process between us might look like.

It could also be possible that the best advice I can give you is “don’t change anything”. Or maybe that I am not the best person to assist you. Continuous improvement is not for everyone. If the most I can do is help you with that understanding, I will be satisfied.

Consult Me!

Case Studies:

How I Do It



Sometimes bumps in the road can knock us off course. Taking time to pause, reflect and rise to a higher level, can reaffirm where we are at and where we are headed. It can assist us re-assess targets for ourselves. Coaching can reignite the fire to get us going again.
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Facilitation services typically take a team through uncharted waters where a series of progressive learnings or insights lead to an outcome that is to the overall benefit of the organisation.
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Project Management

Projects have huge potential to not only change your environment, but also your people.
Creating highly energetic, short cycle project culture which allows people to shine, and deliver results …
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Many times the learning from within workshops are from the least expected sources, that were afforded an environment to participate and make active contributions.
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Lean Transformation

Taking a lean approach to your business is a great way to ‘see’ waste within, and then eliminate it. Tools like value stream mapping highlight waste.
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Short Term Management

Sometimes there is a need to step into a functional role for a temporary period of time. I have assisted clients by taking the reins in Operational, Improvement and site management roles, in a variety of industries, each with their own challenges. I’m happy to assist with overseeing and providing support to key roles and projects also.
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Mentoring is about sharing wholistic knowledge and understanding. The mentee is the driver of the process, and learnings can be insightful to help an individual kick goals.
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Face to face training in the presence of people, allows a collective learning and energy exchange that is not readily available when you boot up, and tick the box.
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I would particularly like to promote local digital solutions that have real potential in organisational environments to boost productivity, reduce waste and enhance personal development.
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Get In Touch!

I look forward to speaking with you!

Success starts when you DO something different, so you KNOW you will get better RESULTS. Contact us to find out how we might be able to help you. Proudly based in Geelong.


Geelong West  VIC  3218

Business Hours

Contact us any time  🙂


0402 973 894

